Saturday, June 12, 2010

24 For My 24th

from what i understand, most folks my age like to sleep in, especially on saturdays

moreover, on their birthdays, they... well, i don't really know what most folks my age like to do on their birthdays (but i have a good idea)

today, i woke up before my alarm at 4:45 and ran for 3 hours, logging 24 miles for my 24th birthday

they were run with friends, and they were run easy

while most of my friends "indulge" themselves by sleeping in, i'm out doing what we, as a bit of a microcosm of the world, do to truly indulge ourselves

some people might claim that this is a type of addiction or even masochism

but in light of what we know to be true about the miles we run, i ask

who's really the ascetic?

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